Our ambition
Drawing upon our experience and expertise as a real estate developer and investor operating in three segments, real estate development, office and residential asset investment management, ICN Investment Management currently focuses on smart real estate investments in Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands.
The real estate market has swiftly evolved these last couple of yours, yet ICN Investment Management remains true to its mission: being a leading and inspiring real estate player with a meaningful purpose: creating value for its investors, clients and stakeholders.
Having closely monitored the latest market evolutions, we updated our strategy towards a focus on sound real estate investments in the office and residential segments, with the creation of a new fund. This newly created fund will comply with Luxembourg regulations and will offer an investment platform to investors in search of sustainable returns in a private equity context.
Investment approach
ICN Investment Management adheres an opportunistic investment approach in the selection of assets.
Risk assessment is key and every investment decision is preceded by a thorough due diligence process that balances risk versus return.
ICN Investment Management adheres an opportunistic investment approach in the selection of assets.
All team members have a proven track record in their area of expertise, from architecture over finance and legal to construction and marketing. Strict procedures ensure compliance with budget and regulatory constraints.
Asset management
Managing the assets in portfolio is an ongoing process to obtain sustainable results.
ICN Investment Management actively manages its sub-funds. Assets may be held in portfolio and/or sold within a predefined term. All decisions are taken after a thorough deliberation process approved by the board of directors.
ICN’s sales & marketing professionals are market-savvy and skilled negotiators.
ICN Investment Management markets its investments with the end in mind. In order to obtain sustainable results buildings have to be market-ready to maximise their capital gain potential.
Market trends
Every investment decision ICN Investment Management takes is based on a close monitoring of and acting upon the most recent macro-economic trends: be it responding to the lack of residential units in certain areas or the introduction of homeworking and the the need for sustainable living and working environments.
Our team closely follows market intelligence and integrates these evolutions in our investment criteria.

“ICN commits to full compliance with applicable legislation and watches over a careful balance between implementing ESG principles and realising sustainable returns, by assessing these principles in a pragmatic way. Further initiatives will be measured against SFDR requirements and compliance at company level.”
— Nik Coenegrachts, CEO